


Equinox said...

와, 많이 아름다운 사진이 생겼군요!

What was the feeling that you had then when you saw the coastline of Korea from the sea? Was it describable?

Spicebears 스파이스베어 said...


Song said...

To Equinox and Spicebears: Thank you:)

About Equinox's question: 글쎄요, 그냥... 집에 다 왔구나... 뭐 그런 생각^^ 이제 또 일상으로 돌아가는구나... 무슨 일을 해야 하지? 일거리는 찾을 수 있을까? 난 앞으로 어떻게 살아야 하지... 부모님과 동생은 잘 있을까... 뭐 그런 생각들...

Equinox said...

Song, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Once, I returned to Singapore on a ship at night. Seeing the brightly lited coastline of my home sent waves of thoughts rushing through my mind.

How I feel? I have just the same feeling - Home Sweet Home.