It's good to be a student again, but I already got frustrated after being in the class for the first week. It is really hard to catch up when you switch to another major. Everything is new and unfamiliar, and I feel like I'm so unaccustomed to this study.
It's also a weird feeling to be in a department where most students are female. I studied politics undergraduate, and like any other studies in social science, normallly there are more male students than female. I even felt like I came to a women's university at the first day. It doesn't mean that I don't like this atmosphere, it's just a quite weird feeling coz mostly I spent my time with boys in the classroom or while studying. Of course I feel more comfortable being together with girls, but I can't help saying that I feel so weird to be surrounded by so many female students. That's totally different from my undergraduate days.
By the way, I changed my time table a bit:
Theories of Korean Lexicology&Morphology
Studies on Teaching Korean Grammar
Studies on Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language
Theories of Korean Phonetics&Phonology (undergraduate)
And if possible, I'm thinking about attending a class in the Chinese language department(undergraduate) - Chinese Phonology. That would be helpful for my further study in Contrastive Linguistics, but I'm not sure if I can make it. I'm afraid three classes in the master's course are already too much for me.
The comic character is cute. Is it famous in Korea? Is 멍 멍 a sound made by 개?
'멍' comes from '멍하다', something like 'feeling blank', 'stunned'.
But you're right, '멍멍' is the sound made by dog.
Song 씨
Guess you'll soon get used to it. 얼마 학과가 이에요? 1년?
그럼 아자 아자 화이팅!
그리고 감사합니다^^
노력해야겠죠 ㅎㅎㅎ
(그리고 저는 1학기생이랍니다.)
Go, girl! I sometimes want to be back to school. But I know it is not an easy decision to go to school in order to exlpore more elaborated fields of study.
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