You read books in your mother language, read and read, read again, again and again... but you don't know how to put it in order.
That's exactly what I feel thesedays.
I'm neither reading English nor Chinese, I'm certainly reading KOREAN, but it's all Greek to me.
You need to translate your blog from English into Korean.. It might be help you to escape from forgetting your mother language..
You should turn your book 180° around. Then you should understand the text again. ;-)
This hint was for free.
To d'jaym: To tell the truth, I'm too lazy to update my blogs - both Korean and English.
To sca: Oh... was that the reason? Well... let me try then:D
Or....you should close the book entirely and go to Starbucks for a good cup of cuppacino - And you definately know that it's Italian.
Seriously, I think when you have spent minutes and hours looking at the SAME page(s), it's time to do something else.
Preoccupation with one thing prevents one from moving forward.
Hi Aini,
thanks very much for your suggestion^^
I don't like Starbucks very much, so I rather go to bed after closing the book.
(I sleep tooooooooo much thesedays @.@)
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