

Sleepy afternoon... =.=

Couldn't get enough sleep last night coz I was thinking about endless questions such as How can I make money to pay the tuition for the next two years? Would it be possible to manage having a part time job and studying at the same time? What if I can't? Do I have to do the same thing I'm doing now? Is it possible to get a student loan for the next semester (and for the following semester too)? Would I be able to pay off my debts as soon as I finish my study? and so on and on on...

Got some new works from the company. I know I don't like doing this for a long time, and the money I get is barely enough to pay the tuition. Unfortunately, it's the only income I have, and I know it could be even harder to find another part time job.

Ok, stop complaining. I'd better make plans about how to spend this summer. There are always lots of things to do. (And I'm always too lazy--;;;)
And and and... oh, I almost forgot the final test of KFL this friday... I must study... Or the professor will kill me--;
About the final exams of Prof.Heo's and Prof.Kim's class, I'm not sure if I can make it... but I'll try...

(Photo: Chyam's puppy. I wish I could have such a peaceful sleep. There's one saying; 개팔자가 상팔자라 - A dog's lot in the happiest gall. But dogs may have different ideas... ^^;)


Anonymous said...

엄청 공감하게 되는 글입니다orz
음, 리플도 영어로 달아야 할까 하고 고민하다가 엉터리 문법을 나열할거 같아서 그냥(..소심해서;) 돌쇠를 여기서 보니 또 다른 맛이네요:D

Song said...

chyam님 웰컴웰컴웰컴^____^

리플 영어로 안달아도 됩니다 ㅎㅎㅎ 이렇게 왕래해주신 것만 해도 영광이에요^^

엉터리 영어실력으로도 이런 블로그 운영할 수 있다는 것을 제가 산 증거로 보여주는 셈이죠? ㅋㅋ

암튼 돌쇠군 사진 잘 빌려갑니다. 감사합니다 ㅋㅋㅋ 돌쇠군 모습을 보다가 순간 영감(?)이 떠올라서^^

augmento said...

it is quite common in the U.S. for students to take 10 years to pay off their college loans.

I graduated in 1997, my student loans are so low interest that I stuck to the 10 year plan. My rule if is if can get 5% more return on an investment than I am paying in interest on loans then it is better to invest.

Song said...

You might be right, augmento. And probably I'm going to stick to the ten year plan as well.